Creating Workflow Tasks

To create a workflow task:

  1. On the Home page, select Administer.
  2. From New, select Workflow Task.
  3. Enter a name for the workflow task.
  4. From Action Type, select the type of action for the task:
    • Add Leaf––Adds a leaf node with global and local properties

    • Add Limb––Adds a limb node with global and local properties

    • Delete––Updates a node’s global/local properties and deletes the node

    • Inactivate–Updates a node’s global and local properties and inactivates the node

    • Insert––Inserts a node into a hierarchy and updates its global/local properties

    • Move––Moves a node to a different parent and updates its global/local properties

    • Remove––Updates a node’s global/local properties and removes the node

    • Update––Updates global and local properties for a node


      If users intend to upload items to a request from a file, the following properties are required to be defined in the task (and the files to be uploaded by the users):

      • For Add actions: Name, Parent, Description

      • For Insert actions: Name, Parent

      • For Move actions: Name, Parent

    • Reactivate -- Updates a node’s global and local properties and re-activates an inactive node.

  5. Optional: Do any of these tasks:
    • Enter text for users in the Instructions field.

      URLs can be inserted directly into the instructions field or the URL can use the syntax [url=http_URL]URL_Title[/url] where http_URL specifies the hyperlink text and URL_Title specifies the text displayed to the user. For example, this example: [url=]Oracle Support[/url] would render in the property grid as Oracle Support.

    • Select a Hierarchy Group on which to filter.


      The hierarchy group selected for the workflow task is used with the hierarchy group property configured for the workflow model to filter hierarchies available for selection for the task.

    • Select a Domain for the node for Add Limb or Add Leaf tasks.


      The domain configured for a workflow task must match a domain used by the target version for request items using the task. If the domain for the task is not used by the version, the request item node cannot be added to the version.


      If a domain is assigned, then the Description property for Add Limb and Add Leaf tasks is required.

  6. On the Properties tab, select properties from the Available list to assign to the task. Use the arrows to move properties to the Selected list. Use the up and down arrows to order the properties.
  7. Click edit button for a property to update these options:
    • Editable––Select to allow the property to be edited.

    • Required––Select to make the property required.

    • Calculate––For Add Limb or Add Leaf tasks, select to calculate the Name value from a dynamic script. If selected, then the Editable option for the Name property is False and disabled. When you select this option, the Calculate Name tab becomes available and then you can enter the script for calculating the Name value.

      To calculate the Parent value from a dynamic script for Add Limb, Add Leaf, Move, and Insert tasks, click edit button next to a parent node and then select Calculate. If selected, then the Editable option for the Parent property is False and disabled. When you select this option, the Calculate Parent tab becomes available and then you can enter the script for calculating the Parent value. For information on writing dynamic scripts, see Managing Dynamic Scripts.

    • Custom Label––Optional: Enter an alternate label for the property. This label displays in the property label column on item details.

    • Property Instructions––Optional: Enter specific instructions for the property. The property does not have to be editable to add instructions. Instructions display above the property value in the item details.

      URLs can be inserted directly into the instructions field or the URL can use the syntax [url=http_URL]URL_Title[/url] where http_URL specifies the hyperlink text and URL_Title specifies the text displayed to the user. For example, this example: [url=]Oracle Support[/url] would render in the property grid as Oracle Support.

    Click save button to save changes or undo button to cancel changes.

  8. On the Validations tab, select validations from the Available list to assign to the task. Use the arrows to move validations to the Selected list.
  9. Click edit button associate validations with specific task properties. If the selected validation fails, the validation message will be displayed for the specified properties.

    Click save button to save changes or undo button to cancel changes.

  10. If you selected to calculate the name or parent, select the Calculate Name or Calculate Parent tab and then do the following:
    • Enter a dynamic script to calculate the name or parent. For information on writing dynamic scripts, see Creating Dynamic Scripts.

    • Enter the following information:

      • Request ID––Specifies the request ID to use when evaluating the script.

      • Request Item Number––Specifies the request item number to use when evaluating the script.

      • Script Timeout––The number of seconds until the script times out.

    • Optional: Select Hidden to specify the hidden property for the name or parent that you are calculating. If selected, then the calculated name or parent is not displayed in the request item details.

    • Click Evaluate. The results are displayed at the bottom of the script designer.

  11. Optional: Select the External Commit tab, click Add, and then configure the following settings:
    • External connection––Select the external connection

    • Operation––Select the external operation to perform


      The operation must have been defined as a Commit type operation in the connection.

    • For each external operation parameter configure:

      • Parameter source type––Select Literal or Property

      • Source––If Literal was selected for source type, then enter a literal value in the Param Source column. When the external operation is called, the literal value is passed in for the current parameters. If Property was selected for source type, then select a property to provide the parameter value for the external operation. When the External Commit is executed, the parameter value comes from the selected property on the current node or request item.

    • Commit Status property––Select a Boolean property to indicate if the node had any external commit errors. This property is set for the node in the target version for the request. In the event of external commit failure, this property can be used to identify changes in the version which were not committed successfully to the external system.

  12. Click Save button to save the workflow task.