External Requests

You can create external requests to:

  • Add hierarchies

  • Add nodes

  • Insert and move nodes

  • Activate, inactivate and remove nodes

  • Update properties

  • Remove property values

External requests can be stored in a draft state for approval and validated against a Oracle Data Relationship Management version without committing the changes to the version immediately. External requests in this pending approval state can be updated by multiple users at different times and re-validated as needed. The transactions in a request are committed to a Data Relationship Management version when the request is approved.


After an external request has been approved, the request cannot be modified and the request cannot be deleted until the associated version is deleted.

An external request consists of the following elements:

  • Target Data Relationship Management version.

  • Owner of the request — A valid Data Relationship Management user ID.

  • Custom workflow ID — Identifier for the request in a workflow application.

  • Custom workflow label — Short description for the request in a workflow application.

  • Custom workflow status — Manages the status of the request in a workflow application.

  • Custom workflow info — Stores extra information needed by a workflow application.

  • Request comments — Annotation for the request.

  • Created by –– User who created the initial request.

  • Created date –– Date when the request was created.

  • Updated by –– User who last updated the request.

  • Updated date –– Date when the request was last updated.

  • Approved By –– User who approved the request.

  • Approved Date –– Date when the request was approved.

  • Validated Flag –– Indicates whether the request has been validated since it was last updated.

  • Approved Flag –– Indicates whether the request has been approved.

  • Additional batch validations that should be applied to only the actions in the request during a validate or approve operation

  • List of action items that affect hierarchies and nodes for the current request