19 Migrating Data Relationship Management Metadata

The Oracle Data Relationship Management Migration Utility provides application administrators the ability to move metadata object types between Data Relationship Management applications.

In the Migration Utility, you can:

  • Extract metadata object types from a Data Relationship Management application to an XML file and generate an HTML report from the results

  • Load metadata from an XML file into a Data Relationship Management application

  • Compare metadata differences between two sources, create an XML file with the differences, and generate an HTML report from the results

  • View metadata in an XML file and generate an HTML report from the file

You can extract, load, compare, and view the following types of metadata:

  • Property Definitions

  • Property Categories

  • Validations

  • Node Types

  • Glyphs

  • Node Access Groups

  • Hierarchy Groups

  • Queries (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • Compares (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • Domains

  • Version Variables (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • Exports (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • Export Books (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • Imports (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • Blenders (Standard, System, and Custom)

  • System Preferences

  • External Connections (Standard, System, and Custom)

    External Connections display the connection name only; object access group name prefixes are not added.


    Connection string, user ID, and password do not migrate with migration loads and extracts.

  • Object Access Groups

  • Workflow Tasks

  • Workflow Models

Migrating Core Property Configurations and Settings

The following core property configurations and settings can be migrated between instances of Data Relationship Management (on same release) using the Metadata Migration Utility:

  • Core.DefaultDisplayBy [Default Display Properties]

  • Core.DefaultPasteProps [Default Paste Properties]

  • Core.DefaultSynchBy [Default Match By]

  • Core.EnableSharedNodes [Enable Shared Nodes]

  • Core.HierarchyNodeType [Hierarchy Node Type]

  • Core.IDLengthLeafProp [ID Length Leaf Property]

  • Core.IDLengthLimbProp [ID Length Limb Property]

  • Core.PrefillLeafProp [Prefill Leaf Property]

  • Core.PrefillLimbProp [Prefill Limb Property]

  • Core.SortOrder [Sort Order]

  • Core.StandardHierSort [Standard Hierarchy Sort]