Working with Execution Plans

Predefined tasks extract the information from Oracle Data Relationship Management and return it to the specific Oracle Data Relationship Management Analytics dashboard where it can be filtered and reviewed. Jobs consist of dashboard-specific tasks. Multiple jobs can be included in an execution plan.

Execution plans consist of a schedule and one or more jobs and their tasks. Execution plans can be configured to run daily, weekly, or monthly and can be scheduled to run as Simple (run now or run at a future date/time) or as Cron (using a Cron expression to indicate scheduling information). Execution plans can be edited, inactivated when not in use, and deleted when no longer needed.

Table 17-1 Job Tasks

Jobs Tasks

Change Analysis

Transaction Fact Table

Transaction Aggregate

Transaction Property Aggregate

Version Lineage

User Activity Reports

Transaction Fact Table

Growth Analysis

Version Lineage

Hierarchy Counts

Version Counts

Model Analysis

Model Analysis