Change Management Dashboard

This dashboard provides aggregated views of node and property changes that have occurred in the Oracle Data Relationship Management system over time. Metrics in this dashboard are based on committed requests and all interactive changes. This dashboard includes change actions such as adds, updates, moves, and deletes across node and property changes to lend change perspectives by hierarchy, node type, property category, and so on. Users can understand change trends by change method to ratify governance uptake. Users can drill into each change contextually to inspect transaction details and export these details to a flat file for further analysis offline. This dashboard allows users to drill down to request level and transaction level detail.

This dashboard can be filtered by:

  • Version––A secured filter that displays only the versions for which the logged in user has read access. Data Managers can view all versions.

  • Hierarchy––A dependent filter that highlights hierarchies within the selected versions

  • Node Type––An independent filter that lists all configured node types

  • Change Method––A filter that allows breakdown of changes based upon workflow, interactive or both methods

  • Workflow Model––A filter that displays all workflow models, both active and inactive

  • Timeframe–– A filter to select pre-defined date ranges or a custom date range to reflect when changes were performed interactively in a version or committed to a version via governance workflow

The metrics displayed in the dashboard are dependent on the filter selections.

Table A-1 Metrics for Change Management Dashboard

Metric Description

List View

Node Changes

Total number of node changes broken down in a pie chart by change type. This metric tracks nodes that have been:

  • Added

  • Inserted

  • Moved

  • Inactivated

  • Removed

  • Deleted

The colors in the pie chart correspond to the colors in the segmented bars in the List View. Each change type in the pie chart is clickable to filter the List View to show node changes for the selected type. Each change type in the segmented bar is clickable to drill into the transactions associated with the selected type.

Property Changes

Total number of property changes broken down by property category. Property updates and removes are combined in the total number. This metric is secured to show only properties to which the logged in user has access.

Note: Because properties may exist in multiple categories, the number of property changes per category may exceed the total number of property changes displayed.

Each property category is clickable to filter the List View to show property changes for the selected category. The gray bar in the List View is clickable to drill into the transactions associated with the selected category.

Total Changes

Total number of node and property changes.

Graph View


The blue color in the segmented bar indicates the percentage of requests that were submitted via the workflow method. The blue points on the graph indicate the number of requests that were submitted via the workflow method.


The orange color in the segmented bar indicates the percentage of requests that were submitted via the interactive method. The orange points on the graph indicate the number of requests that were submitted via the interactive method.