Growth Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard provides analysis of how versions and hierarchies have changed over time by displaying the total number of nodes, the number of orphan and shared nodes, and the total increase or decrease in nodes from a previous version (for lineaged versions) and the total increase or decrease in the last 30 days for non-lineaged versions. This dashboard allows users to drill from the version level to the hierarchy level. This dashboard does not use filters.

Table A-2 Metrics for Growth Analysis Dashboard

Metric Description

Total Nodes (version)

Total number of unique nodes in the version

Total Nodes (hierarchy)

Total number of nodes in the hierarchy


Number of orphan nodes in the version


Number of shared nodes in the version or hierarchy


Non-lineaged versions: increase or decrease in the version or hierarchy in the last 30 days

Lineaged versions: increase or decrease in the version or hierarchy from the previous version