Creating Export Books

Saved exports can be grouped and run together in Export Books. This enables a set of commonly used exports to be executed with one action rather than individually. Books can also be used to combine the output of multiple exports into a single output file.


Book exports cannot reference multiple versions. All exports for a book must reference the same versions.

A book requires both a Current Version and Previous Version to be specified.

  • The Current Version is used for all exports in the book where a Version or To Version parameter is required.

  • The Previous Version is used for all exports in the book where a From Version parameter is required.

The Current Version and Previous Version parameters for the book override any versions configured for the exports in the book. This includes all version types (normal, baseline, as-of, variable).

To create an export book:

  1. On the Home page, select Export.
  2. Click New export book button.
  3. Optional: To create substitution parameters for the book:
    1. Click Add Parameters button.
    2. Click Add and add Key-Value pairs.


      Key-Value pairs cannot use "<%" or "%>" sequentially or an equal sign.

    3. Click OK.
  4. On the Source tab, select a version or version variable from which to select exports for the book.
  5. From Object Access , select a custom group or one of the following:
    • User––Personal objects that are only available to an individual user to view and run.

    • Standard––Public objects that are available to all users to view and run.

    • System––Restricted objects that are only available to Application Administrator role users to view and run.


    Depending on the access level you select, the list of available exports may be restricted. User books can select user and standard exports. Standard books can only reference standard exports, and System books can only reference standard or system exports.

  6. Select exports to include in the book and move them from Available to Selected.


    You can use the Export Type list to filter the list of available exports.

  7. Optional: If the output is to be combined, select the Target tab and do the following:
    1. From Device, specify if the combined file will be a server file or client file.
    2. Select Include Combined Export Output File.
    3. From Character Encoding, select the encoding to apply to the combined file and the pre and post files if used.
    4. If you are combining into a server file, set up an external connection.
    5. Optional: Set up external connections for Pre Files and Post Files.

      Pre Files and Post Files can be used to specify data that is prepended and appended to the combined output file.


    If a book contains both exports configured to output to a file and exports configured to output to a database table, the Combine option affects only the exports that are writing to files.

  8. Do any of the following:
    • To save the export, click Save button.

      You are prompted to define a name, description, and an object access group for the book. Select a custom group or one of the following:

      • User––Personal objects that are only available to an individual user to view and run.

      • Standard––Public objects that are available to all users to view and run. Only Data Manager users can create and modify standard exports.

      • System––Restricted objects that are only available to Application Administrator role users to view and run.

    • To run the book, click Run button.

      If you selected Client File, you have a download option where you can download the file locally.


      For any exports in the book that are running validations, clicking Run button performs the validations and then, if no errors occur, runs the book. If validation errors occur, then the book process stops and an error is displayed. Open each export that is running validations and click Validate button to find the errors.