EPM Architect Export

Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect exports output hierarchies, nodes, and properties from Oracle Data Relationship Management in an import format for Performance Management Architect. The output can be shared with and deployed to multiple EPM applications, such as Oracle Hyperion Financial Management and Oracle Hyperion Planning. Performance Management Architect exports may be run from within Data Relationship Management or from an Performance Management Architect import profile.


The Performance Management Architect export cannot create new Performance Management Architect dimensions that use properties that require dimension associations. The dimensions must first be created in Performance Management Architect along with their dimension associations, and then you can import from Data Relationship Management into those newly created dimensions in Merge or Replace mode.

For more information on running these exports from Performance Management Architect import profiles, see the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Architect Administrator's Guide.

To create an EPM Architect export:

  1. On the Home page, select Export.
  2. Click New compare toolbar button.
  3. Select EPM Architect as the export type.
  4. Optional: To create substitution parameters for the export:
    1. Click Add Parameters button.
    2. Click Add and add Key-Value pairs.


      Key-Value pairs cannot use "<%" or "%>" sequentially or an equal sign.

    3. Click OK.
  5. On the Source tab, do the following:
    1. Select a version or version variable.
    2. Select a target application type:
      • Consolidation

      • Planning

      • Essbase (ASO)

      • Essbase (BSO)

      • Shared Library

    3. Select a dimension property. This is a property with data type Hierarchy Group, used to determine the dimensions and hierarchies being exported.
    4. Select a dimension type property. This is a hierarchy-level lookup property used to determine the dimension type for each dimension being exported.
  6. On the Style tab, select an option:
    • Include Inactive Nodes — Select to include inactive nodes.

    • Include Implicitly Shared Nodes — Select to include descendant nodes below shared limb nodes that are explicitly shared. Implicit shared nodes are exported only if not filtered out by another option such as top node selection or a query filter. The structure of implicitly shared nodes below a shared parent node is reflected in the ancestor section of the hierarchy export.

      • If a query filter is used in the export, the administrator must explicitly include the shared nodes. For example, the filter (#Children=0) must be changed to ((#Children=0 OR (Shared Node Flag = True)).

      • For the implicitly shared node, the Parent properties reflect the values of the actual node (the primary node). For example, if your export includes the Parent Node property for an implicitly shared node, it will show the parent as the primary node.

  7. In the Batch Validations section, select the type of validations to run.


    Batch validations are performed only for the hierarchies and nodes included in the export. Validations are run before the export. If errors occur, the export stops.

    • None — No validations run.

    • Assigned — All validations assigned to the version, hierarchies, and nodes for the export run.

    • Selected — Click ellipsis icon to select validations to run.

  8. Optional: On the Filter tab, select a query to apply to the export or, to define a query, click New query button.


    The inclusion filter determines the set of nodes from each hierarchy to be compared.

  9. On the Columns tab, select the Parent Key Property and Member Key Property (the Data Relationship Management property for the node when determining duplicates).
  10. Do any of the following:
    • To save the export, click Save button.

      You are prompted to define a name, description, and an object access group for the export. Select a custom group or one of the following:

      • User — Personal objects that are only available to an individual user to view and run.

      • Standard — Public objects that are available to all users to view and run. Only Data Manager users can create and modify standard exports.

      • System — Restricted objects that are only available to Application Administrator role users to view and run.

    • To validate the export, click Validate button.

      You can copy validation errors to the clipboard.

    • To run the export, click Run button.

      If you selected to run validations on the Style tab, clicking Run button performs the validations. Then, if no errors occur, the export runs. If validation errors occur, then the export stops, and an error is displayed. Click Validate button for a list of validation errors.