Creating Exports

Oracle Data Relationship Management provides several export types to output data in different formats.

The following table lists the export types for Data Relationship Management.

Exports Export Type Description

Hierarchy Exports


Outputs nodes and properties from hierarchies. This export can be used to create a parent-child format or a basic list of hierarchy nodes.

Usage Frequency: High

Output Formats: File, Database table

Hierarchy XML

Outputs nodes, their relationships, and properties from hierarchies in an XML format.

Usage Frequency: High

Output Formats: File


Creates a generation- or level-based format for nodes in hierarchies. Outputs a record for each node, its ancestor nodes, and their properties. This export type can be used to create a format where hierarchy relationships are represented as columns.

Usage Frequency: Medium

Output Formats: File

Comparison Exports


Compares two hierarchies and outputs a record for each node that meets the comparison criteria. This export can be used to provide incremental changes to target systems.

Usage Frequency: Medium

Output Formats: File, Database table


Compares two hierarchies and outputs a record for each difference found. This export can be used for reporting incremental changes to users.

Usage Frequency: Low

Output Formats: File

Integration Exports

EPM Architect

Outputs hierarchies, nodes, and properties from Data Relationship Management which can be shared with and deployed to multiple EPM applications, such as Oracle Hyperion Financial Management and Oracle Hyperion Planning.

Usage Frequency: Only when integrating with Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect

Output Formats: File

Version Exports


Outputs a record for each node and its properties for an entire version. Hierarchy relationships and local properties are not available for this export type.

Usage Frequency: Medium

Output Formats: File, Database table

Property Exports

Property List

Outputs a record for each item in the list of values for a property definition. This is a special use case export type.

Usage Frequency: Low

Output Formats: File

Property Lookup

Outputs a record for each key-value pair in the lookup table for a property definition. This is a special use case export type.

Usage Frequency: Low

Output Formats: File

Log Exports

Transaction Log

Outputs a record for each item in the transaction log that met the filter criteria. This export can be used for audit purposes.

Usage Frequency: Medium

Output Formats: File, Database table

Merge Log

Outputs a record for each item in the merge log that met the filter criteria. This export is applicable only if the Merge feature is used.

Usage Frequency: Low

Output Formats: File