Hierarchy XML Export

Hierarchy XML exports output nodes, their relationships, and properties from hierarchies in an XML format. This information can be output to a file.

To create a hierarchy XML export:

  1. On the Home page, select Export.
  2. Click New compare toolbar button.
  3. Select Hierarchy XML as the export type.
  4. Optional: To create substitution parameters for the export:
    1. Click Add Parameters button.
    2. Click Add and add Key-Value pairs.


      Key-Value pairs cannot use "<%" or "%>" sequentially or an equal sign.

    3. Click OK.
  5. On the Source tab, select a version or version variable.

    You can select Normal, Baseline, or As-Of versions. The Version list defaults to the Normal versions. To select a Baseline or As-Of version, click Normal under the Version list.

  6. From Hierarchy Selection, select an option:
    • Top Nodes––Click Add, select a hierarchy, and select a node and then click OK. Repeat until all nodes are added.


      Use the arrows to reposition the nodes, which determine the order in which hierarchy nodes are exported.

    • Hierarchy Group––Select a hierarchy group property and a hierarchy group


      You can use substitution variables for the hierarchy group property and the hierarchy group.

      • Hierarchy Group Property––Select a hierarchy group property or select [Get Value from Parameter] and then select the parameter to use for the property.

      • Hierarchy Group––Select a hierarchy group or select [Get Value from Parameter] and then select the parameter to use for the group.

  7. On the Style tab, select from these options:
    • Node Selection — Determines which nodes (All Nodes, Limb Nodes Only, Leaf Nodes Only) are included in the export

    • Recurse from Top Node — Select to include output for all nodes below the top node. If cleared, only the top node is included in the export. This option is useful when exporting a single record for each hierarchy selected.

    • Include Inactive Nodes — Select to include inactive nodes in the export.

  8. In the Batch Validations section, select the type of validations to run.


    Batch validations are performed only for the hierarchies and nodes included in the export. Validations are run before the export, and if errors occur, the export stops.

    • None — No validations run.

    • Assigned — All validations assigned to the version, hierarchies, and nodes for the export run.

    • Selected — Click ellipsis icon to select validations to run.

  9. On the Filter tab, select from these options:
    • From Validation, select a validation to apply to the export.

    • From Query, select a query to apply to the export or, to define a query, click New query button.

    • Use text file to include/exclude descendant nodes — Select if you have created a text file with nodes to be included or excluded from the export. The file format is a list of node names with one per line. Select a connection, enter a file name, and select whether to include or exclude the nodes from the export.

  10. On the Columns tab, select the properties to display as columns in the export results and move them from Available to Selected.

    For more information, see Export Specific Columns


    Use the Category list to select a property category to ease navigation. Use the up and down arrows to position the column in the Selected list. The first item in the list is the first column, the second item in the list is the second column, and so on.

  11. On the Target tab, select the output type for the results:
    • Client File –– Download results via the browser.

    • Server File –– Use an external connection and save results to a network file system or an FTP directory.

    • Database Table –– Save results to a database table.

  12. Perform an action:
    • If you selected to export to a Client File, go to the next step.

    • If you selected to export to a Server File, you must set your connection and enter a file name. You must have already set up a valid external connection to a UNC or FTP file.

  13. Do any of the following:
    • To save the export, click Save button.

      You are prompted to define a name, description, and an object access group for the export. Select a custom group or one of the following:

      • User––Personal objects that are only available to an individual user to view and run.

      • Standard––Public objects that are available to all users to view and run. Only Data Manager users can create and modify standard exports.

      • System––Restricted objects that are only available to Application Administrator role users to view and run.

    • To validate the export, click Validate button.

    • To run the export, click Run button.

      If you selected to run validations on the Style tab, clicking Run button performs the validations and then, if no errors occur, runs the export. If validation errors occur, then the export stops and an error is displayed. Click Validate button for a list of validation errors.