Export Specific Columns

Some export types allow you to designate specific export columns.

Table 14-1 Export Specific Columns

Export Column Description Export Types

[Action Type Code]

Text label for the action being compared in the current export record.

On the Style tab, enter an optional custom label for any of these options Additions, Deletions, Merges, Moves, Renames or Property Updates.


[Calculated Level{0}]

[Calculated Level{1}]

Level of the current node from the selected top node for the export, starting at {0, 1}.

Hierarchy, Hierarchy XML

[Calculated Parent]

Parent of the current node, or nearest ancestor included in the export if an exclusion query filter is used. Default is None.

Hierarchy, Hierarchy XML

[Dynamic Column]

Adds a specific value to a column that is not present in the export data. You can specify a combination of constant values and substitution variables in the dynamic column.

On the Columns tab, select Export Specific from the Category list and then select [Dynamic Column] and add it to the Selected list. Enter a name for the dynamic column. On the Column Options tab, enter the value for the export column.

Hierarchy, Generation, Compare, Version

[Merged Node]

Name of the merge node selected for a node that was deleted. This value is blank if the node was not merged or deleted or if merge functionality is not enabled for the application.


[Node Sequence #]

Outputs a sequence number for a node’s position in its ancestor list, with leaf nodes starting at zero (0).


[Property Label]

Outputs the property display label for property comparison records.


[Property Value]

Outputs the To Version property value for property comparison records.


[Record ID]

Preserves the export order when exporting to a database table. This column provides an auto-generated numeric value, starting with 1, that increases sequentially for each row in the export.

On the Columns tab, select Export Specific from the Category list and then select [Record Id] and add it to the Selected list.

Hierarchy, Hierarchy XML, Compare, Version