ID Function

The ID function enables you to automatically generate node names using sequential numerical IDs and node prefixes. For example, a set of nodes can be created where each of them have a name like Org000xxx, where:

  • Org is the node prefix and can be any desired character string.

  • 000xxx is the sequential ID and increments by 1 starting at 1.

These system preferences must be enabled for the ID function to work:

  • AllowNextIDGeneration must be set to True.

  • AllowNextIDKeyCreation determines the level of user that can create new ID keys.

To use the Next ID function, type a prefix in the node name field and click ID.

  • If the prefix already exists in the system, then an ID value is returned that is one greater than the last ID previously generated.

  • If the prefix has not been used before, then an ID value of 1 (with the appropriate number of leading zeros) is returned.

The total length of the ID (excluding the prefix and including any leading zeros as necessary) is determined as follows:

  • The hierarchy properties IDLengthLimbProp and IDLengthLeafProp can be set to point to node-level properties that specify the desired ID length for the specified node.

  • If the IDLengthLimbProp and IDLengthLeafProp properties are not set, then the length of the next sequential ID is used without leading zeros.