Adding and Inserting Nodes

You can include a node in a hierarchy in two ways:

  • Create a new node. Reviewing the considerations for naming nodes in Naming Nodes.

  • Insert an existing node not currently in the hierarchy

To create a node and add it to a hierarchy:

  1. From Browse, select a version.

  2. Select a hierarchy.

  3. From Hierarchies, select Open.

    The top node of the hierarchy is displayed in a node tree.

  4. From Nodes, select New.

  5. Select Leaf Node or Limb Node, depending on the type of node you are adding.

  6. Optional: Select a domain from the drop-down list. The domain option in the New Node dialog box is displayed only if domains are assigned to the version. Some important considerations when selecting a domain:

    • If the node name entered does not exist, it is added as a member of the selected domain with the domain qualifier text appended to the name.

    • If the exact domain qualifier text is entered in the Name field, the qualifier text is not appended a second time.

    • If the node name entered exists in the domain but not in the current version, you can add the domain node to the version.

    • If the node name exists in the domain, the Domain Node Name and Inactive Date fields are populated with the values of the existing domain node.

    • If the node exists in the domain and in a version, the Copy Global Properties From option is available to copy the domain node's global properties from another version.

    • If a domain is not selected from the list and the node name entered includes text that qualifies it for a domain assigned to the version, the node cannot be added unless it is added to the domain at the same time, or was previously added to the domain in another version

  7. Enter a unique name for the node. If the name entered matches an existing domain node, the name, description, and inactive date of the domain node are displayed for reference purposes.


    If you are adding a node to a part of the hierarchy tree that has repeated node names, you can click ID to automatically generate a node name. See ID Function.

  8. Enter a new description for the node.


    Descriptions are required for domain nodes, but are optional for non-domain nodes.

  9. Select whether to add the node as a child or sibling of the selected node.

  10. Click OK.

To insert an existing node into a hierarchy:

  1. From Browse, select a version.

  2. Select a hierarchy.

  3. From Hierarchies, select Open.

    The top node of the hierarchy is displayed in a node tree.

  4. From Nodes, select Insert.

  5. Select the location of the node:

    • Existing Hierarchy

    • Orphan List

  6. Do one of the following:

    • If you selected Existing Hierarchy in step 5, do the following:

      1. Select a version.

      2. Select a hierarchy.

      3. Select the node to insert by doing one of the following:

        • Enter text in Find and click Find button to locate the node.


          You can use the asterisk ( * ) as a wildcard character.

          If multiple nodes are located, click Find next to find the next instance of the search item.

        • Expand the Nodes tree to locate the node.

    • If you selected Orphan List in step 5, select a node from the list.

  7. Select to insert the node as a child or sibling of the selected node.

  8. If you are inserting a node from a different version than the current version, do the following:

    1. Select one of these options for copying node properties:

      • Do Not Copy Properties

      • Copy Global Properties

      • Copy Local and Global Properties

    2. If you want to include the node's descendants in the copy, select Include Descendants.

    3. Select Use These Settings as the Default if you want to use the same settings for additional nodes that you copy.

  9. Click OK.