Using Domains

A node is uniquely identified by its name within a version and no two nodes can share the same name in the same version. By default, nodes with the same name from different systems can exist in different versions. This situation may become problematic when the nodes from these versions are combined into the same version if the intent is to keep managing them as separate nodes for referential integrity purposes.

A domain may be used to preserve integrity and ensure consistency of node names and descriptive properties across multiple versions for nodes of a common type. Examples of domains include Accounts, Entities, Departments, Products, Employees, and Projects. Domains are created by administrators and associated with versions by Data Manager role users or version owners. Nodes may be assigned to a domain in a particular version at the time of creation or later using the Domain Membership feature.

Domain nodes must follow the behavior specified for their domain. Nodes that are members of a domain cannot be renamed. Domains may be configured to:

  • Use a prefix or suffix to qualify node names

  • Restrict the deletion of nodes

  • Restrict the changing of limb/leaf designation