15 Job Management

Job management allows for greater control and visibility over long running operations (jobs) and the results they produce. Running an operation as a job enables a user to perform a different task while the process is running and have access to the status and any results of the operation when the user returns. The following types of operations in Oracle Data Relationship Management are processed as jobs:

  • Action Script: Load File, Load Log Criteria, Process Actions

  • Annul All Below

  • Blend

  • Book

  • Compare: Structure, Property, Rename

  • Domain Assign Membership

  • Export

  • Import

  • Property Profile

  • Put Nodes

  • Query: Local, Global

  • Validate: Version Selected, Version Assigned, Version Selected Global, Version Assigned Global, Hierarchy Selected, Hierarchy Assigned, Node Selected, Node Assigned, Specific Node Selected, Specific Node Assigned

  • Version: Backup, Close, Copy, Create AsOf, Delete, Load, Restore, Save

Some job types can be run in the background to enable users to cancel a job or navigate away from the page where the job was executed to perform another task. The following job types are run in the background:

  • Action Script

  • Blend

  • Book

  • Compare (Structure, Property, Rename)

  • Export

  • Import

  • Query

Running Jobs

When you run a job, the job is added to a queue of currently running jobs. If you navigate away from the running job tab, close the running job tab, or log off of Data Relationship Management, the job continues to run. If the running job tab is open when the job completes, the results (for those jobs that return results) are displayed on the tab.

Cancelling Jobs

For jobs running on a tab, you can click the Cancel button (red square) to cancel the job. You can also cancel a job from the job history window. Note that some jobs cannot be cancelled. The following job types cannot be cancelled:

  • Run Action Script

  • Blend to Saved Version (if the blend target is "Copy To New Version", then the job can be cancelled, otherwise the job cannot be cancelled.

  • Domain Assign Membership

  • Put Nodes

  • Version Delete

  • Version Save

Purging Job Results

Job results can be individually purged from the job history. Application administrators can also use the JobResultsRetentionAge system preference to define how long job results are stored before they are automatically purged by the system .