Model Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard provides analysis of Oracle Data Relationship Governance workflow model design by displaying historical performance of requests that are completed (committed or rejected), including participant behavior trends, resource workload, and the ability to drill-back into Data Relationship Governance requests. It reports on performance of completed requests processed by each workflow model to understand model performance based on service level agreements, level of automation achieved, cycle time, resources committed, request workload, throughput, and participant engagement.

This dashboard can be filtered by:

  • Model––A secured filter that displays only the models to which the logged in user has commit access. Data Managers can view all workflow models.

  • Model Status––This filter allows end users to show active or hidden workflow models or both

  • Timeframe––A filter to select pre-defined date ranges or a custom date range over which to evaluate completed requests associated with each workflow model

The metrics displayed in the dashboard are dependent on the filter selections.

Table A-4 Metrics for Model Analysis Dashboard

Metric Description

Summary Metrics - Completed Requests

Metrics in this section are for all models meeting the filter criteria.


Total number of completed requests, comprised of the number of on time requests, overdue requests, and requests with no due date

On Time

Percentage of requests that completed within the due date timeframe


Percentage of requests that exceeded the due date

No Due Date

Percentage of requests that had no due date

Cycle Time

Average time it took all requests to complete. Cycle time of an individual request is computed as request completion time minus request submit time. Request completion time is when the request is either committed or rejected and reaches a terminal status. The average cycle time is an aggregate of time divided by the number of requests.


Average number of unique participants across all requests. For each request, a count of the number of unique participants is maintained. Submitters, enrichers, and approvers are counted as participants. Each participant is counted only one time, even if they tough a request multiple times regardless of the stage. Whenever a user claims a request, they are assumed to be a participant.

Model Performance - All Models - List View

Metrics in this section are specific to individual workflow models. The model name above the segmented color bar is clickable to view metrics for that specific model.


Total number of requests for the model. A segmented color bar indicates the number of requests for each category.

Cycle Time

Average time it took for the requests in the model to complete. Computed as request completion time minus request submit time. Request completion time is when the request is either committed or rejected and reaches a terminal status.

Request Items

Average number of request items per request in the model


Average number of unique participants for the requests in the model

Overview tab of Model Inspector

Metrics in this section are specific to the model that was selected in the List View


Number of requests for the model that meet the filter criteria

Request Duration

Request duration setting value for the model. The value displayed is dynamic and will change if changed within the model. Displayed for reference when viewing additional metrics.

Claim Duration

Current claim duration setting value for the filtered model. The value displayed is dynamic and will change if changed within the model. Displayed for reference when viewing additional metrics.

Unclaimed Duration

Percentage of time spent in unclaimed status across all requests for the selected model

Cycle Time

Average time it took all requests for the selected model to complete


Average number of unique participants across all requests for the selected model

Conditional Stages

Number of stages in the model that are conditional. For example, in a 4 stage model that has 3 conditional stages, "3 of 4" is displayed.

Separation of Duties Enabled

Number of stages for which separation of duties is enabled

SLA Violations

Number of requests that exceeded the request duration or due date at the request level


Number of requests that had at least one claim duration violation


Number of requests that had at least one push back


Number of requests that had at least one escalation


Number of requests with at least one conditional Enrich or Approve stage that was skipped


Number of requests with at least one Enrich or Approve stage that was promoted (approved by the system)


Number of requests with a skipped or promoted commit stage

Note: Auto-Committed counts are not included in the Auto-Skipped or Auto-Approved counts.

Process Efficiency tab of Model Inspector - Model Overview Section

Metrics in this section are specific to the model that was selected in the List View

Average model cycle time

The average cycle time for all requests in the model

Unclaimed Duration

Percentage of time unclaimed for all requests in the model

Claimed Duration

Percentage of time claimed for all requests in the model

Request duration

Request duration setting value for the model. The value displayed is dynamic and will change if changed within the model. Displayed for reference when viewing additional metrics.

Claim duration

Current claim duration setting value for the model. The value displayed is dynamic and will change if changed within the model. Displayed for reference when viewing additional metrics.

Total requests

Total number of requests that meet the filter criteria

Total resources

Total number of resources (in full-time equivalent hours) for the model. This number is based on the total time the request spent in claimed status normalized using a 2000 hour per person year metric.

Process Efficiency tab of Model Inspector - Details by Stage Section

Metrics in this section are specific to the model that was selected in the List View

Avg Stage Cycle Time

Average amount of time that the requests spent in the specified stage

Cycle Time

Average time it took all requests to complete in the specified stage


Number of requests that were delayed in this stage. Delayed requests are defined as requests with the claim duration elapsed.

Resources Committed

Number of person hours across all requests for the specified stage


Average number of unique participants across all requests for the specified stage

Throughput tab of Model Inspector

Metrics in this section are specific to the model that was selected in the List View


Number of requests submitted for the model. Submitted requests include both committed and rejected requests. To get this count, the timeframe filter is applied on the submit date.


Number of requests committed for the model. To get this count, the timeframe filter is applied on the commit date.


Number of requests rejected for the model. To get this count, the timeframe filter is applied on the reject date.

Participant Performance tab of Model Inspector - Submitted By View

Metrics in this section are specific to the model that was selected in the List View and are cumulative for all participants.

Requests Submitted

Number of requests submitted by model participants

% Committed

Percentage of the submitted requests that were committed


Number of requests that were rejected


Number of requests that were committed

Request Items

Cumulative number of request items for all requests submitted

Participant Performance tab of Model Inspector - Committed By View

Metrics in this section are specific to the model that was selected in the List View and are specific to individual participants.

Requests Completed

Number of requests completed by the user

% Committed

Percentage of the completed requests that were committed


Number of requests that were rejected


Number of requests that were committed

Request Items

Cumulative number of request items for all requests completed by the user

Model Performance - All Models - Service Level Agreement Plot

Metrics in this section are for all selected models.

On Time

The line on the SLA plot indicating requests that are on time. The x-axis plots the average cycle time of all the requests relative to the request duration. The request duration for each model is used to create the reference line and cycle time of each model is plotted with that reference. In general, any dots to the right side of the reference line indicate the model is not performing as expected.

Request Throughput - All Models

Metrics in this section are for all selected models.


Number of requests submitted for all selected models. Submitted requests include both committed and rejected requests.


Number of requests committed for all selected models


Number of requests rejected for all selected models

Participant Performance - All Models - Submitted By View

Metrics in this section are for all selected models and are cumulative for all participants.

Note: Participant performance is presented based on either Submit or Commit user context.

Requests Submitted

Number of requests submitted by model participants

% Committed

Percentage of the submitted requests that were committed


Number of requests that were rejected


Number of requests that were committed

Request Items

Cumulative number of request items for all requests submitted

Participant Performance - All Models - Committed By View

Metrics in this section are for all selected models and are specific to individual participants.

Requests Completed

Number of requests completed by the user

% Committed

Percentage of the completed requests that were committed


Number of requests that were rejected


Number of requests that were committed

Request Items

Cumulative number of request items for all requests completed by the user