Navigating the Worklist

The Worklist is a central location for interacting with change and remediation requests. From the Worklist, governance users may submit change requests or review and participate in requests assigned to their user group. Data managers may submit remediation requests to governance users or participate in escalated requests submitted by them.

Worklist Views

The Worklist includes a set of views which enable governance users to filter displayed requests based on how the user is able to participate. Each worklist view displays a count of the requests available in that view. Select a worklist view from the menu on the left side of the Worklist page to display requests available in the view. Worklist views are:

  • Assigned––Requests assigned to the user or a group in which the user is a member

  • Urgent––Requests assigned to the user or group and marked as Urgent

  • Overdue––Requests assigned to the user or group and marked as Overdue

  • Claimed––Requests assigned to the user or group and claimed by the current user

  • Submitted––Requests submitted by the current user

  • Drafted––Requests saved by the user in Draft status but not submitted

  • Participated––Requests to which the user has been added as a participant (previously submitted or claimed)

  • Notified––Requests to which the user was notified (and may or may not have participated in)

  • All––All requests currently in the system (available only for Data Manager role users)

Viewing Requests by Age

Requests displayed in the Worklist can be filtered using a request age filter. The request age filter limits the display of requests to Today, This Week, Last 30 days, Quarter-to-Date, Year-To-Date, or All.

Searching for Requests

Governance users and data managers can find existing requests using a keyword search. An asterisk can be used for wildcard searches. A workflow user can search in one of the following areas of a request:

  • Request header

  • Request items

  • Workflow tags

  • Comments

To search for requests:

  1. On the Worklist page, click find button, Search In, and then select a request area to search:

    • Request––Searches the request header for the specified text

    • Request items––Searches request items for the specified text

    • Workflow tags––Searches workflow tags for the specified text

    • Comments––Searches comments for the specified text

  2. Enter text to search for, and then click request search button.

Previewing Requests

When a request in the Worklist is selected, a preview of the request is displayed below the Worklist. The request preview displays:

  • Request header

  • Request items

  • Request activity

Opening Requests

You must open a request to view the request details or to take action on a request displayed in the Worklist.

To open a request:

  • From the Worklist, double click the request.

  • From the request preview, click open button.

Deleting Requests

You may delete draft workflow requests and submitted workflow requests that have not been committed. The request submitter and users with the Data Manager role may delete:

  • Draft workflow requests

  • Workflow requests that have been pushed back to the Submit stage

Only users with the Data Manager role may delete workflow requests that have been submitted.

To delete a request:

  1. From the Worklist, select a request to delete.

  2. In the request preview, click delete button.

  3. Click Delete the Request to confirm the deletion.