Running the Batch Client

To run the Oracle Data Relationship Management Batch Client:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installation program; for example C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\DataRelationshipManagement\client\batch-client\.
  3. Enter drm-batch-client.exe, followed by the parameters as described in this chapter.

You can run the Batch Client from a command prompt or schedule it to run using an external program. The Batch Client performs these actions:

  1. Opens the log file. If the log file already exists, the Batch Client appends to it. If the log file does not exist, the Batch Client creates it.

  2. Processes and validates options from the command line or configuration file.

  3. Logs into Data Relationship Management using supplied credentials.

  4. Runs the appropriate operations.

  5. Writes output file.

  6. Logs out of the server, closes the log file, sets the error level, and exits.

Example 17-1 Dependencies

You must have the required Microsoft .NET Framework installed on the machine running the Batch Client. See the Oracle Data Relationship Management Installation Guide for the required .NET version. Connectivity/visibility to the Engine application is also required.

The Batch Client requires a TCP/IP connection to Data Relationship Management. You must have permissions to use the connection and to read files from directories indicated for input files and to write to directories indicated for log files and export files. For more information on Data Relationship Management requirements, see the Oracle Data Relationship Management Installation Guide.


The Batch Client is a separate utility program and is not accessible from within the Data Relationship Management Web client interface.

Example 17-2 Saving Versions in the Batch Client

When the Batch Client runs, it logs into an existing Data Relationship Management application server. When new versions are created, they remain detached (not saved to the database) on the application server until they are saved.

When running imports or blends in the Batch Client, you have the option to save the new version (Autosave=True). You can save the version or leave it detached.

You can specify date and time As-Of versions only. As-Of versions using date offsets or transaction IDs are not valid.