17 Using the Data Relationship Management Batch Client

The Oracle Data Relationship Management Batch Client is a command-line utility that allows access to various Data Relationship Management operations in batch mode including:

  • Action Script

  • Import

  • Blender

  • Export (individual export and book export)

  • Opening and closing versions

  • Submitting governance requests

The Batch Client utility (drm-batch-client.exe) is installed by default to: C:\Oracle \Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\DataRelationshipManagement\client\batch-client\.

By passing command-line parameters appropriate to the operation, the Batch Client is able to log in to the Data Relationship Management engine using supplied credentials, perform the operation, and receive any corresponding results from the server, while logging its activities as it works. If the operation is successful, an error level value of 0 is returned. If the operation fails, a non-zero error level value is returned. For more information, see Table 17-14.

The Batch Client accepts options from the command line, a configuration file, or a combination of the two.


If an option is supplied in both a configuration file and the command line with different values, the value on the command line takes precedence over the value in the configuration file.