Outputs and Result Codes

All Batch Client operations generate a log file. In addition, exports generate an exported data file and an export log file. The Batch Client logs warnings in the log file for any script items that fail. All errors are also recorded in the log file, including the complete error message. The log file is saved using the path/filename indicated with the /log startup parameter. If not specified, the log defaults to the name DRM_Batch_Client_mmddyyyy.log, and is written to the same folder where the Batch Client is launched.

In addition, the Batch Client returns an error level (exit code or result code) indicating its success or failure. Error levels can be tested (via ERRORLEVEL, %ERRORLEVEL%, and so on) by a scheduling program or batch file and appropriate action can automatically be taken.

Table 17-14 Error Level Values

Error Level Value Description


Successful/normal termination


Unknown error


Batch operation completed but generated warnings


Batch operation did not complete due to error


Error communicating to or returned from the Oracle Data Relationship Management Server


Error occurred during initialization of the Batch Client


An invalid parameter value was passed


Invalid URL


Invalid user name or password


If other error level values are returned, the error is from the Windows operating system. See Windows documentation for more information.