Viewing Job History

The list of running and completed jobs can be viewed and queried in the job history. Job results are retained by the application server and may be retrieved later in the same user session or in a later session. The following job types return results which can be viewed in job history:

  • Action Script

  • Blend

  • Compare

  • Export or Book - results are stored when the output device is a client file only.

  • Import

  • Query

The job history list can be filtered to show a subset of jobs. If no filtering is used, all jobs are returned. You can also select and order the columns for the job history list.

To view job history:

  1. From the Home page, select Audit.
  2. From Audit Type, select Jobs.
  3. On the Filter tab, make changes to these fields to filter the job history list:
    • Type––Click select button and select a job type.

    • Status––Click select button and select a job status

    • Object Name––Enter the name of an object. You can use an asterisk for wildcard searches.

    • Version––Select a version to filter the results to jobs from a single version.

    • From Date––Select the check box and enter a starting date and time for the job.

    • To Date––Select the check box and enter an ending date and time for the job.

    • Max Records––Enter the maximum number of records to return.

  4. On the Columns tab, select columns from the Available list and move them to the Selected list. Use the up and down arrows to order the columns.


    The Type, Description, and Action columns are always included in the job history list. These columns cannot be deselected or ordered. Type and Description are the first two columns and Action is the last column.

    The columns for the job history list are:

    • Action––For jobs that return a result, Delete action is available. For jobs currently in progress, Cancel action is available.

    • Description––Description of the job

    • Elapsed Time––Amount of time that the job took to run

    • Finish––Date and time the job finished

    • Job Name––Name of the object that was run

    • Message––Information message for jobs that completed with errors

    • Results Purged––Date and time that the results were purged

    • Results Size––Size in kilobytes of the results attachment

    • Results Viewed––Date and time that the results were viewed

    • Start––Date and time the job was started

    • Status––Status of the job such as Done or Done with Errors

    • Type––Type of job being run, such as Version Load, Export, and Action Script Load File

    • Version From––Name of the From version

    • Version To––Name of the To version

  5. Perform an action:
    • To refresh the job history list, click refresh job history button.

    • To view job results for a successful job, click the Done link in the Status column.

    • To purge job results, in the Action column, click purge button.


      When job results are purged from the job history, the job results attachment is deleted but the job entry itself remains in the history.