Auditing Requests

Change and remediation requests processed by governance workflows in Oracle Data Relationship Management can be audited by governance users and Data Managers using the Worklist. For more information, see Navigating the Worklist.

External requests, which are processed using the request interface in the Web Service API, are recorded in Request History. Change or remediation requests available from the Worklist page are not recorded in Request History. Users must have the Workflow User role to access the Request History. Each request is recorded with timestamps, the user ID of the request owner, the actions being performed, the validation and approval status, and other request level information. When you first access the Request History screen, a default query displays all unapproved requests that you own.

The top section of the Request History screen allows you to define query criteria. The bottom section displays the list of change requests that meet the current query criteria. Query criteria are grouped into four categories:

  • Summary

    • Request ID — Cannot be changed; automatically generated when the request is created.

    • Owned By user ID — Cannot be changed; defined when request is created.

    • Committed By user ID — Cannot be changed; defined when request is approved.

    • Target version for the request.

    • Perform exact match on string values option.

    • Maximum number of records to return setting.

  • Workflow — Used to define applicable data.

    • Custom ID

    • Custom Label

    • Custom Status

    • Comments

  • History

    • Created By, Updated By, and Approved By fields for managing user-related information for the workflow application.

    • Create Date, Update Date, and Approval Dates for when a request is created, updated, and approved.

To query and view request history:

  1. From the Home page, select Audit.
  2. From Audit Type select Requests.
  3. On the Source tab, enter a request ID, a workflow ID, or select a version, hierarchies, and nodes to use as the source for the query.
  4. On the Filter tab, define the filtering criteria for the request history query including date ranges and created by, updated by, approved by users.
  5. On the Columns tab, select the fields to be displayed as columns in the query results.
  6. Click Run button.

    The request history query results are displayed below the wizard.

  7. After running the query, you can:
    • To view the details of a request, click the plus-sign to the left of the row. The request details are displayed across Action, Object, and History tabs.

    • Click Download, and then select the format for the file : TSV, CSV, PDF, RTF, or XLS.