Accessing EPM Workspace

Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace is a Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services component from which you can access Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products, for example, Oracle Hyperion Planning and Oracle Hyperion Shared Services. A logon window is displayed when you access EPM Workspace using a URL.

To access EPM Workspace from a URL:

  1. Go to:


    In the URL, Web_server_name indicates the name of the computer where the web server used by Foundation Services is running, and port_number indicates the web server port; for example, http://myWebserver:19000/workspace.


    If you are accessing EPM Workspace in secure environments, use https (not http) as the protocol and the secure web Server port number. For example, use a URL such as: https://myWebserver:19443/workspace.

    Pop-up blockers may prevent EPM Workspace from opening.

  2. Click Launch Application.
  3. In the Logon window, enter a user name and password.
  4. Click Log On.