Accessing Administration Services Console

Before starting these procedures, ensure that Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services, web server, Oracle Essbase, and Oracle Essbase Administration Services are running.

To access Administration Services Console from a URL:

  1. Go to:


    In the URL, Web_server_name indicates the name of the computer where the web server used by Foundation Services is running, and port_number indicates the web server port; for example, https://myWebserver:19000/easconsole.


    If you are accessing Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, in secure environments, use https (not http) as the protocol and the secure web server port number. For example, use a URL such as: https://myWebserver:19443/easconsole.

  2. Click Launch.
  3. Download and install Administration Services Console.
  4. In the Administration Services Login screen, enter your user name and password.
  5. Click OK.