Auditing Security Activities and Lifecycle Management Artifacts

Oracle Hyperion Shared Services allows the auditing of provisioning and lifecycle management activities to track changes to security objects and the artifacts that are exported or imported using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management functionality.

Auditing can be configured at three levels: global, application group, and application.

At the global level, you can audit security and artifacts handled by Shared Services. Application group-level and application-level auditing allows you to audit security activities related to an application group or application performed through Shared Services. Application group and application security activities that are performed outside Shared Services; for example, assigning calculation scripts in Oracle Essbase, cannot be audited.

By default, auditing is disabled. Only Functional Administrators can enable auditing or change the list of objects and artifacts that are audited at the global level. You must restart all Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products for audit configuration changes to take effect.

To change the auditing configuration:

  1. Access Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console as a Functional Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console.
  2. Select Administration and then Configure Auditing.
  3. On the Audit Configuration screen, perform the following actions:
    1. Select Enable Auditing to activate auditing. If this option is not selected, Shared Services does not support auditing at any level. By default, auditing is disabled.
    2. Select Allow Global Settings Override to disable application group and application-level auditing. If this option is selected, application group and application-level task selections are discarded in favor of the global selections.
    3. Optional: To remove old audit data from the system, in Purge Data Older than, set the number of days for which audit data is to be retained. Older audit data is marked for removal when you click OK.
    4. From Select Tasks, select the tasks for which audit data is to be preserved. Tasks are categorized based on the applications registered with Shared Services.
    5. Click OK.
  4. Restart EPM System products including Shared Services.