Changing Purge Interval

By default, a background thread removes audit data that is older than 25 days. You can modify the AUDIT.PURGE.EARLIERTO.DAYS Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry setting to change the purge interval.

To modify the purge interval:

  1. Start a command prompt on the Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services server host machine, and navigate to EPM_ORACLE_HOMEbin; for example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin on a Windows server.
  2. Use the following command to view the current purge interval:
  3. Use the following command to update the purge interval:

    In the preceding command, replace NEW_PURGE_INTERVAL with the number of days for which the audit data is to be stored. For example, to keep audit data for 6 months, use the following command:

    epmsys_registry.bat updateproperty SHARED_SERVICES_PRODUCT/@AUDIT.PURGE.EARLIERTO.DAYS 180
  4. Repeat step 2 to verify that the purge interval has been updated.