Controlling Access to Artifacts

Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting artifacts in the Document Repository are available to users after they are granted access to the artifacts by a Security Administrator.

To set access control:

  1. Access Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace as a Document Repository Security Administrator. See Accessing EPM Workspace.
  2. Select Navigate, and then Explore.
  3. From Folders, select the folder where Financial Reporting artifacts are stored.
  4. Select the artifacts for which you want to specify access control.
  5. Select Edit, and then Edit Permissions.
  6. In Permissions, find the user, group, or role for which you want to specify access to the artifact and then clickAdd button (Add).
  7. In Selected Users, Groups and Roles pane:
    1. Click in the Access to File column and select an access privilege.

      The level and type of access that you can set changes depending on the selected artifact. For example, for artifacts of type Plain Text, access levels include Inherit, Full Control, Modify, View, and No Access. Consult online help for assistance.

    2. Click in the Favorite column and select whether the artifact is to be pushed as a favorite for the current user, group or role.
  8. Click OK.