Essbase Roles

The following tables describe the roles specific to Oracle Essbase. For information on assigning granular access permissions to users and groups for a specific Essbase application or database, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.


To create Essbase applications, in addition to the Essbase Administrator role, users must be provisioned with the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Project Manager role.

Table A-6 Essbase Server Roles

Role Description

Full access to administer Essbase Server, applications, and databases

Note: The Provisioning Manager role is automatically assigned when you migrate Essbase Administrators; however, when you create an Essbase Administrator in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, you must manually assign the Provisioning Manager role.

Create/Delete Application Creates and deletes applications and databases. Includes Application Manager and Database Manager permissions for the applications and databases created by this user.
Server Access

Accesses any application or database belonging to this Essbase Server. This level is the minimum access permission a user must have to access applications and databases.

Provisioning Manager Provisions users with roles of this Essbase server

Table A-7 Essbase Application Roles

Role Description
Application Manager

Creates, deletes, and modifies databases and application settings within the assigned application. Includes Database Manager permissions for databases within the application. An Application Managers can delete only those applications and databases that he created.

Note: The Provisioning Manager role is automatically assigned to you when you migrate Essbase Application Managers; however, when you create an Essbase Application Manager in Shared Services Console, you must manually assign to yourself the Provisioning Manager role.

Database Manager Manages the databases, database artifacts, and locks within the assigned application
Calc Calculates, updates, and reads data values based on assigned scope, using any assigned calculations and filter
Write Updates and reads data values based on assigned scope, using any assigned filter
Read Reads data values
Filter Accesses specific data and metadata according to filter restrictions
Start/Stop Application Starts and stops applications or databases
Provisioning Manager Provisions Essbase users with roles from this application