Planning Roles

Additional Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services roles are required for Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager. See Foundation Services Roles.

Table A-5 Planning Application Roles

Role Description
Power Roles


Performs all application tasks except those reserved for the Application Owner and Mass Allocate roles. Creates and manages applications, manages access permissions, initiates the budget process, and designates the e-mail server for notifications. Can use the Copy Data function.
Provisioning Manager Provisions users to the Oracle Hyperion Planning application

Mass Allocation

Accesses the Mass Allocate feature to spread data multidimensionally down a hierarchy, even to cells not visible in the data form and to which the user does not have access. Any user type can be assigned this role, but it should be assigned sparingly.

Essbase Write Access

For planners and interactive users: Grants users access to Planning data in Oracle Essbase equivalent to their Planning access permissions. If security filters that limit access to year and period dimensions are not created, this role grants write access to all periods and years. Enables users having write access to change Planning data directly in Essbase using another product such as Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting or a third-party tool.
Approvals Administrator

Approvals Administrator role comprises these roles:

  • Approvals Ownership Assigner

    Approvals Process Designer

  • Approvals Supervisor
Approvals Administrators are typically business users in charge of a region in an organization who need to control the Approvals process for their region but do not need to be granted the Planning Administrator role. Users with Approvals Administrator role can resolve any approval issue by manually taking ownership of the process. They can perform these tasks:
  • Control approvals process
  • Perform actions on Planning units to which they have write access
  • Assign owners and reviewers for the organization under their charge
  • Change the secondary dimension or update validation rules
Approvals Ownership Assigner Performs tasks assigned to Planner role.

Approvals Ownership Assigners perform the following tasks for any member of the planning unit hierarchy to which they have write access:

  • Assign owners
  • Assign reviewers
  • Specify users to be notified
Approvals Process Designer Performs tasks assigned to Planner and Approvals Ownership Assigner roles.

Approvals process designers perform the following tasks for any member of the planning unit hierarchy to which they have write access:

  • Change secondary dimensions and members of entities to which they have write access
  • Change the scenario and version assignment for a planning unit hierarchy
  • Edit data validation rules of data forms to which they have access
Approvals Supervisor Perform the following tasks for any member of the planning unit hierarchy to which they have write access even if they do not own the planning unit:
  • Stop and start a planning unit
  • Take any action on a planning unit

Approval Supervisors cannot change data in planning units that they do not own.

Ad Hoc Grid Creator Creates and saves Smart Slices in addition to performing the tasks that an Ad Hoc User can perform
Ad Hoc User Analyzes data forms using ad hoc features.
Task List Access Manager Not applicable to this release; reserved for future use.
Planner Roles
Planner Enters and submits plans for approval and adapter processes. Uses reports that others have created, views and uses task lists, enables e-mail notification for themselves, and creates data using Oracle Smart View for Office.
Interactive Roles
Interactive User Creates and maintains data forms, Smart View worksheets, business rules, task lists, Financial Reporting reports, and adapter processes. Manages the budget process. Can create Smart Slices in Smart View, use the Clear Cell Details function, and perform all Planner tasks. Interactive users are typically department heads and business unit managers.
View Roles
View User Views and analyzes data through Planning data forms and any data access tools for which they are licensed (for example, Financial Reporting and Smart View). Typical View users are executives who want to see business plans during and at the end of the budget process.
Ad Hoc Read Only User Views data in smart slices.