B EPM System Component Codes

Roles define the tasks that users can perform in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System applications. Roles from all registered EPM System applications can be viewed from the Roles View in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console.

The Roles View lists the roles name and the product code, which is the internal product name, along with a brief role description. The product codes used by EPM System products are indicated in Table B-1.

Table B-1 Product Codes Used by EPM System Products

Product Code Product Name
HUB Oracle Hyperion Shared Services
CES Shared Services (Workflow)
HP Oracle Hyperion Planning
ESB Oracle Essbase
ESBAPP Essbase Application
FDM Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management
EAL Oracle Essbase Analytics Link for Hyperion Financial Management
EALBRIDGE Analytics Link Bridge
HFM Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
HPM Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management
CALC Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager
AIF Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition
IOP Oracle Integrated Operational Planning
BIEE Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
FCC Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management
BIP Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher