Taskflow Scripts Location

All scripts that are to be executed during a taskflow stage must be stored in a dedicated directory. The default location for the directory containing such scripts is EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/utilities.

If you want to store taskflow scripts in directory other than the default directory, you must update a Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry property by running the following command at a command prompt. In this command, replace SCRIPT_LOCATION with the absolute path of the directory where taskflow scripts are stored:

epmsys_registry.bat updateproperty SHARED_SERVICES_PRODUCT/@workflowEngine.ces.location SCRIPT_LOCATION

For example, you may run the following command:

epmsys_registry.bat updateproperty
 SHARED_SERVICES_PRODUCT/@workflowEngine.ces.location C:\taskflowscripts

You must secure the SCRIPT_LOCATION directory from unauthorized access. Further, to enhance security, run services and processes using a secure user account.

Restart Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System after updating Shared Services Registry.