Viewing Taskflow Status and Execution Details

Use the Taskflow Status Summary screen to monitor taskflow status.

To view taskflow status:

  1. Log into Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace.
  2. Select Navigate, and then Application Library.
  3. Select Administration, and then View Taskflow Status.
  4. In Manage Taskflows, select the search criteria to locate the taskflow that you want to monitor.
    • To search for taskflows in a specific execution status, in Status, select a taskflow status. Select All to search for taskflows in any status.

    • To search for taskflows belonging to a specific application, in Application, select the application to which the taskflow belongs.

    • To search for a specific taskflow, in Taskflow, select taskflow name.

  5. To limit the search to a specific time period, set start and end values in values Initiated Between.
  6. Click Search.
  7. Optional: Click Refresh to update status information.
  8. Optional: To end a running taskflow, select the taskflow, and then click Stop.

    The taskflow stops when the application returns the results of the selected step. The results for previous steps are not discarded; however, if the taskflow is rerun, it begins at the first step.

  9. To view detailed taskflow execution details, click the taskflow ID.

    The Taskflow Participant Summary is displayed, showing details of the task and its status.

  10. Click Cancel to return to Taskflow Status Summary.