Managing the User Directory Search Order

When a System Administrator configures an external user directory, Oracle Hyperion Shared Services automatically adds the user directory to the search order and assigns it the next available search sequence preceding that of Native Directory. The search order is used to cycle through configured user directories when Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System searches for users and groups.

System Administrators can remove a user directory from the search order, in which case Shared Services automatically reassigns the search order of the remaining directories. User directories not included in the search order are not used to support authentication and provisioning.


Shared Services terminates the search for the user or group when it encounters the specified account. Oracle recommends that the corporate directory that contains most of the EPM System users be placed at the top of the search order.

By default, Native Directory is set as the last directory in the search order. Administrators can perform these tasks to manage the search order:

Adding a User Directory to the Search Order

A newly configured user directory is automatically added to the search order. If you removed a directory from the search order, you can add it to the end of the search order.

To add a user directory to the search order:

  1. Access Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console.

  2. Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

  3. Select a deactivated user directory to add to the search order.

  4. Click Include.

    This button is available only if you have selected a user directory that is not in the search order.

  5. Click OK to return to the Defined User Directories screen.

  6. Restart Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Removing a Search Order Assignment

Removing a user directory from the search order does not invalidate the directory configuration; it removes the user directory from the list of directories that are searched for authenticating users. A directory that is not included in the search order is set to Deactivated status. When an Administrator removes a user directory from the search order, the search sequence assigned to the other user directories is automatically updated.


Native Directory cannot be removed from the search order.

To remove a user directory from the search order:

  1. Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console.

  2. Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

  3. Select a directory to remove from the search order.

  4. Click Exclude.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click OK on the Directory Configuration Result screen.

  7. Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Changing the Search Order

The default search order assigned to each user directory is based on the sequence in which the directory was configured. By default, Native Directory is set as the last directory in the search order.

To change the search order:

  1. Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console.

  2. Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

  3. Select a directory whose search order you want to change.

  4. Click Move Up or Move Down.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Restart Foundation Services, other EPM System components, and custom applications that use the Shared Services security APIs.