Creating Email Links to Repository Items

You can create email links to repository items. Rules for linking:

  • Recipients must be defined as a user with a user name and password to open the linked item in a web browser.

  • Recipients need proper access privileges to view the item.

  • Items in the link can be viewed in web browsers. A link to the item is sent; not the item. When you click the link, the Explore Repository is opened, and then item is displayed.

  • You cannot send an email link to a folder.

  • You must select and send email links individually.

  • You can add text to the email message.

To create email links:

  1. From the repository, select the item to email.
  2. Right-click the item, then select Email Link, and then select the recipients.

    The Email Link dialog box containing the URL links is displayed.

    If the email link option does not display for an item, that item cannot be sent as an email link.

  3. Perform one of the following tasks:
    • Enter the recipient’s email address.

    • Use the Email Recipient List

  4. Optional: Update the Subject text associated with the email message.
  5. Click Send.


    You cannot recall a message after it is sent.