Adding Source Columns

To add a source column:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source Adapter.
  2. Select the universal data adapter.
  3. Click Import Table Definition to return all column details from the source table.
  4. In Context Code, specify the context, and then click OK.

    The ODI context code refers to the context defined in Oracle Data Integrator. A context groups the source and target connection information.

    When the context is selected, all the columns of the source table are displayed in the Source Column tab.

  5. Optional: in Column Name, enter the source column name.

    By default, the Column Name is populated automatically when you select step 3 Import Table Definition).

    When using a view as a source for the Universal Data Adapter, don’t include column names that are reserved words for the selected technology. For example, the work "Year" is a reserved word for Teradata and should not be used in a view.

  6. Based on the column type, from Classification, select the classification:

    For example, select:

    • Amount

    • Year

    • Period

    • Period Number

  7. Optional: in Display Name, enter the display name used for the import format.

    By default, the Display Name is populated automatically when you select step 3 (Import Table Definition). Typically, it is the function name of the column.