Defining Application Options for Financial Management

Define application and dimension details for Oracle Hyperion Financial Management applications.

After defining the application details and dimension details, for Financial Management application, you define the application options.

To define Financial Management application options:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
  2. In the Target Application summary grid, select a Financial Management target application.
  3. After defining the application details in Application Detail, select the Application Options tab.
  4. Complete the application options as needed.

    Financial Management application options are described below.

  5. Click Save.

Table 1-15 Financial Management Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Check Intersection

Enables the checking of Financial Management data intersections (account, entity, and so on) during the Validation step in the Data Load Workbench. The default setting is Yes.

Load Line Item Detail

Enables loading of line-item detail to Financial Management.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Line Item Detail Load Type

Specify whether to load line item detail or summary data to cells. The default is Load Detail, which displays details for the selected cell. (Specifies whether an account can have line items.) If this setting is Load Summarized, cells show summarized information.

  • Load Summarized

  • Load Detail

Enable Data Load

Enables the data load process.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Load Process

Select the process for loading data. Select Scan to scan the file for invalid records before loading it to the application. Select Load to load the file only.

  • Scan—Validates data and lists invalid records into the Log. When this option is selected, data is not loaded to the target application.

  • Load—Validates and loads data to the target application.

Load Method

Select the method for loading a data file into an application. Available load methods:

  • Replace—Replaces the data in the application with the data in the load file. For each unique combination of Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value in the data file, the Replace option clears all account values from the application, then loads the value from the data file.


    You may create several small files to load a data file using the Replace mode, especially if the data is very large or if the file contains ownership data. An error message is displayed if the file is too large when you try to load it.

  • Merge—Overwrites the data in the application with the data in the load file. For each unique point of view that exists in the data file and in the application, the value in the data file overwrites the data in the application.

    Data in the application that is not changed by the data load file remains in the application.

    If you select the Accumulate In File option in conjunction with the Merge option, the system adds all values for the same point of view in the data file, and overwrites the data in the application with the total.

    For each unique point of view that is in the data file but does not have a value in the application, the value from the data file is loaded into the application.

  • Accumulate—Select the Accumulate option to accumulate the data in the application with the data in the load file. For each unique point of view in the data file, the value from the load file is added to the value in the application.


    Data for system accounts is not accumulated.

  • Replace by Security—Performs a data load in Replace mode in which only the members to which you have access are loaded. This option enables you to perform a data load in Replace mode even if you do not have access to all accounts. When you perform the Clear operation for a period in a sub-cube, only the cells to which you have access are cleared. Data, cell text, and line item detail are cleared, but cell attachments are not cleared.

Accumulate in File

You use the Accumulate in File option in conjunction with the Merge and Replace options. When a data load file contains multiple lines of data for the same point of view, this option first accumulates the data in the file, and then loads the totals into the application based on the selected load option. For each unique point of view in the data file, the value from the load file is added to the value in the application. For example, if you have 10, 20 and 30 in the file, 60 is loaded. Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Has Ownership

If the file that you are loading contains ownership data, you must indicate this option. If you do not select this option and the data file contains ownership or shares data, an error occurs when you load the file.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Enable Data Protection

Enables Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition to protect target-system data from being overwritten during data loads; is based on a specified protection value. Use this option when data is entered into the target system through a method other than FDMEE.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Protection - Include Cell Text

Specify whether to load text to a data cell when Enable Data Protection is enabled (which protect target-system data from being overwritten during data loads).

Select Yes to include cell text. as part of the data protection.

Select No to exclude cell text as part of of data protection.

Protection Value

Specify the value to protect during the Load step when Enable Data Protection is enabled. The value in this field needs to be a dimension value inside of Financial Management across any dimension.

For example, enter: Protect This.

Protection Operator

Select the operator (= or <>). This is used only when the Enable Data Protection option is enabled. The option enables you to state that the data to be protected is equal (=) or not equal (<>) to the "Protection Value".

Enable Journal Load

Enables the loading of journal files.

You can load working, rejected, submitted, approved, and posted journals as well as standard and recurring journal templates. You cannot load automated consolidation journals because they are created by the consolidation process.

The default setting for this option is No.

This setting is also used with the Data Value selected for the location on the Location screen to determine when and how data is loaded to Financial Management as journals.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Drill Region

Select Yes to create a drill region.

Drillable region definitions are used to define the data that is loaded from a general ledger source system and specify the data drillable to FDMEE.

In data grids and data forms, after the regions have been loaded, cells that are drillable are indicated by a light blue icon at the top left corner of the cell. The cell context menu displays the defined display name, which then opens the specified URL.

A region definition load file consists of the following information:

  • Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, Account

  • Display Name (for cell context menu) and URL (to drill to)

Enable Cell Text Loading

Enables the loading of text and documents to a data cell. FDMEE archives documents in the EPM_ORACLE_HOME/ products/FinancialDataQuality/data directory.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.


FDMEE does not load multiple cell text to an intersection in Financial Management. If a load using an append mode is run and new cell text is added to an intersection that already has cell text, the old cell text is replaced by the new cell text and not appended.

Enable Consolidation

Enables consolidation in the data load.

Consolidation is the process of gathering data from dependent entities and aggregating the data to parent entities. Launching consolidation runs the consolidation process for the specified scenario, year, period, entity, and value. As a part of that process, consolidation for all descendant entities and all prior time periods within the same year is run, if it has not been run previously. The consolidation process runs all calculation rules functions for each affected entity and value, and the translation process runs as necessary to convert from child entities to parent entities.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Consolidation Type

Select the consolidation type for the data load.

Available consolidation types:

  • Impacted—The Consolidate (Impacted Consolidation) option is available for any parent entity with a calculation status of CN or CN ND. When you select this option for a parent entity, the system performs calculations (Calculate, Translate, Consolidate) for any dependent entity within the consolidation path of the selected parent that has a calculation status of CN, CN ND, CH, TR, or TR ND, on the current period or on any prior period in the current year. Consolidate is the most efficient option because only entities that require consolidation are updated.

    Process units with a status of NODATA on the current period and all prior periods are skipped. Process units with a status of OK or OK SC on the current period are not recalculated, retranslated, or reconsolidated. If the selected parent has a status of CN or CN ND in the prior period, consolidation runs for all periods from the first period in the current year where the parent is impacted until the current period.

  • All with Data—The Consolidate All with Data option is available for any parent entity, regardless of its status. When you select this option for a parent entity, the system consolidates every dependent entity within the consolidation path of the selected parent that contains data, regardless of its status, in the current period or in any of the prior periods. The system also runs calculation rules for the dependent entities. It does not perform a consolidation on entities that contain zeroes or no data. This option is useful for updating system status from OK SC to OK after metadata changes.

    Process units with a status of NODATA on the current period and all prior periods are skipped. Consolidation Options units with a status of OK or OK SC on the current period are recalculated, retranslated, and reconsolidated. If the selected parent has a status of CN or CN ND in the prior period, consolidation runs for all periods from the first period in the current year where the parent is impacted until the current period.

  • All—The Consolidate All option is available for any parent entity, regardless of its status. When you select this option for a parent entity, the system performs calculations for every process unit within the consolidation path of the selected parent, regardless of its status. It consolidates all entities whether they contain data or not. This option is useful when an update from prior periods is required, or when an entity with no data needs to be populated using allocations. This option should be used sparingly because the system does not omit entities with no data, which can have a significant impact on consolidation performance.

    Process units with a status of NODATA on the current period are calculated, translated, and consolidated. Process units with a status of OK or OK SC on the current period are recalculated, translated, and reconsolidated. If the selected parent has a status of CN or CN ND in the prior period, consolidation runs for all periods from the first period in the current year where the parent is impacted until the current period.

  • Entity—Calculates the contribution of each entity to its parent, and then totals all contributions to arrive at the consolidated numbers.

  • Force Entity Only—Forces calculation to run for all selected contribution values to arrive at the consolidation numbers.

Enable Force Calc

Enables the execution of the default calculation call prior to a consolidation run.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Enable Force Translate

Enable to force translation to run for all selected cells.

Select Yes to enable or No to disable.

Translation Level

Determines the translation level (levels to include for translation) of rows and columns when loading data. Available levels:

  • <Entity Curr Adjs>

  • <Entity Curr Total>

  • <Entity Currency>

  • <Parent Curr Adjs>

  • <Parent Curr Total>

  • <Parent Currency> (Default)

Enable Multi-Load Zero Loading

Select Yes to load 0 values during a multiple period load.

Journal Status

To load journals with a specific status, select the status. The journal status indicates the current state of the journal.

Available journal statuses:

  • 1—Working: Journal is created. It has been saved, but it can be incomplete. For example, a label or single entity may need to be assigned.

  • 2—Submitted: Journal is submitted for approval.

  • 3—Approved: Journal is approved for posting.

  • 4—Posted: Journal adjustments are posted to the database (default).

  • 5—Journal is rejected or unposted.

Journal Default Value

Specify the default value of the journal. The default setting for this option is <Entity Curr Adjs>.

Available values are:

  • [Contribution Adjs]

  • [Parent Adjs]

  • <Entity Curr Adjs>

  • <Parent Curr Adjs>

Journal Enable JV ID per Entity

Assign a journal id (journal numbering) to entities that are being loaded.

Select Yes to assign one journal id for each entity in the POV. Select No, to assign one id for all data in the POV. This option is only used when loading journals.

The default setting is Yes.

This option only applies to FDMEE data that is imported as data and not through the Journal interface. Because regular data that is imported into FDMEE can be loaded to Financial Management as a journal and Financial Management requires all journals to have a JV ID, this option enables FDMEE to determine how the JV IDs' are created.

Journal Balancing Attribute

Select the journal balancing attribute used in the journal subsection.

Available attributes are:

  • B—Balanced

  • U—Unbalanced

  • E—Balanced By Entity

This option is only used when loading journals to Financial Management. The default setting is U-Unbalanced.

Currency Rate Account for Beginning Rate

Specify the Financial Management target application currency rate account for the beginning rate.

Currency Rate Account for Ending Rate

Specify the Financial Management target application currency rate account for the ending rate.

Currency Rate Account for Average Rate

Specify the Financial Management target application currency rate account for the average rate.

Source Language for Member Description

Specify the source language for the description when members are loaded.

Available languages are shown on the drop-down.

Global User for Application Access

Option to override the Single Sign-On logon to the Financial Management applications. When a user name is specified for this option, this user name is used to access the Financial Management application instead of the FDMEE sign-on user name. Specify the user name of a user who has administrator access to the Financial Management application.