Creating Profiles for Variance Analysis

To create profiles for variance analysis:

  1. Select Profiles.
  2. Select Actions, and then New.
  3. On the Properties tab, enter:
    • Account ID—The combination of segment values must be unique across profiles. The number of segments available is defined in system settings.

    • Name—A second way to identify the profile. Names do not need to be unique. As a best practice, Oracle suggests using the name associated with the natural account segment and some other descriptor that identifies ownership of or responsibility for the profile.

    • Description

    • Active—Selected by default for profiles manually entered or imported. Clear this check box if you do not want this profile copied to a period.

    • Summary Profile—If selected, then the Profile is a Summary Profile.

    • Organizational Unit — Represents a hierarchical entity-type structure that you can use to model your organization. Define a separate organizational unit for each entity for which separate reporting is required, or for entities that require different configurations for any of the following: holidays, work days, or viewer or commentator assignments. Organizational Units are defined in system settings.

    • Format—Associates the profile with a format created by an administrator, determining the method of reconciliation and the information that the preparer must provide.

    • Method—The method associated with the format assigned to the profile.

    • Process—Associates the profile with a specific reconciliation process, for example, the balance sheet reconciliation process or the local GAAP reconciliation process. Processes are defined in system settings.

    • Risk Rating—Associates the profile with a risk rating. Risk ratings are defined in system settings, for example, High, Low, or Medium.

    • Account Type—Associates the profile with an account type. Risk Rating and Account Type are attributes that facilitate reporting – the values are defined by administrators and can be used on dashboards and list views to filter reconciliations.

    • Normal Balance—Identifies whether the profile is expected to contain a debit balance, a credit balance, or a debit or a credit balance. If the balance is different from the normal balance, then a warning is set on the reconciliation.

    • Manually Enter Balances—Determine whether the preparer enters the current period balances and/or the variance period balances. Check these boxes only if balances are not being imported for the profile. Select one or both:

      • Enter Current Period Balances Manually

      • Enter Variance Period Balances Manually