Assigning Security Roles

Access to Account Reconciliation Manager modules depends on user security roles and the privileges. These security roles are available for Account Reconciliation Manager:

Table 21-1 Security Roles

Security Role Description


  • Full access to System Settings, Filters, Attributes, Periods, Reconciliation Profiles, Reconciliation Instances, rates, and Reporting.

  • Review and approve or reject reassignment requests submitted by preparers and reviewers.

  • Cannot prepare or review account reconciliations.

  • Add and remove their own comments.

  • Remove comments from reconciliations to accommodate cases where commentary must be removed and the commentary was entered by a user who is gone.

  • Create Report Binders

Power User

  • Full access to filters, Reconciliation Profiles, Reconciliation Instances, and Reporting.

  • Review and approve or reject reassignment requests submitted by preparers and reviewers.

  • Add and remove their own comments.

  • Remove commentary from reconciliations to accommodate cases where commentary must be removed and the commentary was entered by a user who is gone.

  • Create Report Binders


  • Perform all functions related to preparation, including adding, editing, and removing transactions; flagging transactions; adding comments; removing comments that he added; adding attachments; removing attachments he previously added; answering Questions; and submitting reconciliations for review.

  • Create Report Binders for their reconciliations

  • Create private filters


  • Review, including flagging transactions; adding comments; removing comments he previously added; rejecting reconciliations; and approving reconciliations.

  • Create Report Binders for their reconciliations

  • Create private filters


  • Add comments to reconciliations and the associated reconciliation transactions. This access is only to reconciliations assigned with commentator privileges

  • Create Report Binders for their reconciliations

  • Create private filters


  • Read-only access to reconciliations to which he is assigned Viewer privileges.

  • Create Report Binders for their reconciliations

  • Create private filters

Report Designer

  • Access to Manage Reports

  • Access to Generate Reports

To assign security roles:

  1. Expand the User Directories folder, and then expand the directory where the users reside.
  2. Perform an action:
    • To assign security roles to a user, select Users.

    • To assign security roles to a group, select Group.

  3. Search for and select a user or group.
  4. Provision the user using one method:
    • Right-click and select Provision.

    • Select Administration, and then Provision.

    • Click Provision.

  5. From Available Roles, expand the application.
  6. Select Account Reconciliation Manager, and expand to an Account Reconciliation Manager role, click the arrow button to add the role to the user, and then click Save.
  7. Review the summary report.