Viewing Reconciliations

You can open reconciliations from the Reconciliation List view or from the Dashboard. To perform actions on the reconciliations, the status of the reconciliation must be Open with Preparer or Open with Reviewer, and you must be the Preparer or Reviewer with current responsibility. Administrators can reassign the current Preparer or Reviewer, but they cannot perform other actions, such as adding transactions or approving reconciliations.

When a reconciliation is selected from the Reconciliation List for the Preparer or Reviewer with current responsibility, the Actions menu displays an Open option. For all other users, it displays a View option.

To open reconciliations in the Reconciliation List:

  1. Select View, and then Reconciliation List.

  2. Select Actions, and then Open or View.

The following procedure is limited to Preparers.

To open reconciliations in the Dashboard:

  1. Select View. and then Dashboard. Open the Reconciliation List portlet.

  2. In a Reconciliation List portlet, click an account ID for a reconciliation.