Adding a Cover Page

You can add a cover page to any book. The cover page is displayed before the table of contents when you view the book output as complete book in PDF. The cover page can be one of these file types:

  • PDF file

  • Microsoft Word


The cover page is not displayed when HTML Preview, PDF Preview or static HTML Web Site is selected as the book output.

To select an artifact as the cover page:

  1. From the Explore Repository, right-click a book, select Open In, and then Editor.
  2. In the Book Editor, select a PDF file or a Microsoft Word file for the cover page from the list of book artifacts, and then navigate to the lower pane containing the object settings.
  3. In the Value column, click the arrow in the row for Cover Page, and then select Yes.

    The selected artifact is moved to the top of the book artifacts list and is marked with a star to indicate that it is the cover page.