Adding a Report to a Book

When adding a report to a book, the report may contain prompts for member selection. Prompts are defined when the book is run. Also, when adding a report to a book, dimensions from the book POV can be set to multiple members. When the book is run, the report iterates over each member. For example, if North, South, East, West, Actual, and Budget are selected, the book contains eight versions of this report (Actual for N, S, E, W, Budget for N, S, E, W).

You can collate the printed output by member selection if the same member selections are used for all reports in the book. Doing so enables, for example, all the reports for East or Budget to be grouped. Collating by member selection is not available if:

  • Chapters are indented

  • The book contains external content that has book member selections that do not match the member selections of other chapters

You can copy member selections between reports if they use the same data source. This eliminates selecting shared members multiple times.

To add a report to a book, following the steps under Adding a Document to a Book.