Changing Annotation Context Elements

You can change the dimension or dimension member value for annotations associated with a specific data source.

To change the context elements for annotations:

  1. Open the Annotation Manager and search for annotations.
  2. Right-click an annotation, and then select Change Element.

    The Change Element dialog box is displayed with the current data source.

  3. In the Change Element dialog box:
    • Select a data source.

    • Select an option:

      • Change Element—Changes a dimension. In Replace, select a dimension, and in With, enter a new dimension.

      • Change Element Value For—Changes a dimension and a member. In Replace select a new dimension, and in With, enter a member.

    • Select Apply to All Annotations to apply the element change to all annotations that meet the data source criteria; clear Apply to all Annotations to apply the element change to the highlighted annotations only.

  4. Click OK.

    A confirmation message presents the number of annotations changed to the new element. The changed documents are highlighted in the list.