Setting Book Properties

You can set book properties in the following areas:

  • General—Provides global book settings. You can set the paper size, set page numbering to consecutive, include the table of contents in page numbering, collate the table of contents based on reports or on member selection, include related content in batch output, specify the starting page number and enable embedded content processing (FRExecute and hyperlinks).

  • Table of Contents—You can include the table of contents in printed output, and set the page orientation.

To make changes to a book's General properties:

  1. From the Explore Repository, right-click a book and select Open In, and then Editor.

  2. From the drop-down at the top right of the Editor, select Book Setup.

  3. Under the General heading, edit any of the following properties:

    • Paper Size

    • Consecutive Page Numbering—You must specify page numbering in the header or footer of each report in the book before you can print the page number.

    • Include Table of Contents in Page Numbering

    • Collate Reports By

    • Include Related Content in Batch Output—When a Book has the Book Setup property set to Include Related Content in Batch Output, and a Complete Book in PDF is generated, all related content links in the resulting PDF are included. The Related Content link objects are shown following the report from which they were linked. The Related Content link objects are always included in the book table of contents. They are shown as children of the report from which they were linked. If the same object is linked multiple times or from different reports, the object is only included once and will only appear in the book table of contents once.

    • Starting Page Number

    • Enable Embedded Content Processing—Select Yes to turn on the processing of Word, HTML and URL objects for FRExecute functions and hyperlinks. Select No to turn off the processing of Word, HTML and URL objects for FRExecute functions and hyperlinks. Select No for books with Microsoft Word objects that do not have any FRExecute functions or hyperlinks.

    • For embedded content processing behavior information, see Processing Behavior of Hyperlinks and FRExecute.

To make changes to the book's table of contents properties:

  1. From the Explore Repository, right-click a book and select Open In, and then Editor.

  2. From the drop-down at the top right of the Editor, select Book Setup.

  3. Under the Table of Contents heading, edit any of the following properties:

    • Include in Printed Output: For HTML or PDF Preview, this option does not apply. The book preview always includes the table of contents for the book.

    • Orientation: Select Portrait or Landscape