Changing the Database Connection

You can change the database connection for reports and books in the Explore Repository.

You can change the database connection when moving from a development environment server to a production environment server.

When the dimensions in the changed database connections do not match the previous dimensions, an error message similar to the following is displayed:

1012:Report contains an invalid grid. The following dimensions could not be found: <Dimension>

The following actions occur when you open and save a report that has mismatched dimensions:

  • Dimensions that existed in the old database connection but not in the new database connection are removed. The dimensions and its members that existed in the rows and or columns are removed from the grid. If, as a result of the removal, no dimension exists in the row or column, you must add a valid dimension to the cleared row or column in order for the report to run.

  • Dimensions that exist in the new database connection but not in the old one are added to the POV.

If the report contains at least one dimension in both the row and column, it can be run and opened when the error message is received. The report can also be exported from the repository.

If you do not like the modifications that are automatically made for mismatched dimensions, you can close the report and revert to the original database connection.

When you change the database connection for reports or books, you can also validate that the databases have the same dimension. When this option is selected for a report, and dimensions do not match, you are shown that the action failed. Likewise, if dimensions do not match for a specific report in a book, you are shown that the action for the entire book failed. If you do not choose to validate, the database connection for the reports and books are changed, and you are not shown mismatched dimensions. However, errors may occur when you open or run the reports or books.

To change the data source:

  1. From the Explore Repository, select Tools, and then Change Database Connections.
  2. In the Type field, select a report type, then an item, and then click OK.
  3. In Change Database Connection, select the item, and then click OK.
  4. In Find all references to the Database Connection, select the database connection to change.
  5. In Replace With, select a database connection.

    To create a new database connection, click New Database Connection. See Adding and Editing Database Connections.

  6. If you select multiple items, make changes to all the items that you selected.
  7. Click OK.