FRExecute Syntax



ReportPath is the full path to the report, including the report name.

Type1 is a dynamic report and Type2 is a Snapshot report.

ComponentType1 (optional) is a grid and ComponentType2 (optional) is a chart.

ComponenentName (optional) is the grid or chart name.

Page (optional) is the page number.

Cell (optional) is the date cell formula.

The cell syntax is cell=cell[row,col], or cell=[row,col]


row is a number >=1 referring to the row in Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio report designer.

col is a letter >= A referring to the column in Financial Reporting Studio report designer. If a report has more then 26 columns, two letters are used for those columns (for example, AA, AB, AZ, AAA, AAB, and so on).


You can specify a "sub-tuple" if the design time row evaluates to more then one tuple. For example, if you reference row 2, which has a member selection "Children of Market" resulting in four children (East, West, South, Central), the sum of all four tuples are returned. You can also refer to individual tuples like this: Cell[2(1),A] referring to East/ColA; Cell[2(3),A] referring to South/ColA.


To limit the size of the report, place the FRExecute function inside a Microsoft Word text box.