Initiating a Search

You can initiate a search by entering keywords in a text box located in the upper right of all Explore Repository screens, and then either pressing Enter or clicking the Search button.

To search for a document or a report:

  1. Enter a keyword in the Search text box.

    A suggestion feature is available that spell-checks text and suggests alternative keywords if available.

    The search results are displayed on a separate page and include:

    • File name (clicking on this launches the document)

    • Description

    • Document type

    • Last modified date

    • File path (double-clicking on this launches the folder)

    If an Oracle Hyperion Planning result is selected, a Planning tab is launched and supporting detail is displayed.

  2. Optional: Order the search results according to Score or Last modified date.

    By default, search results are sorted by score. A document’s score or relevance is determined by how many times the keyword appears in the document and how many other keywords are in the document. For example, a document where the keyword appears three times but only has five words scores higher than a document where the keyword appears 10 times but with 1,000 other keywords.

  3. Optional: Filter the search results according to document type, modified date, or publish location.