Microsoft Word Template

A Microsoft Word template document, FR_TextTemplate.doc, is installed on the Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting print server in the ${home.reports}/bin/ folder. When the template is found by the Financial Reporting print server, the contents of the text file is inserted into the Word template, after which the existing routine that prints Word documents is used to print text files. When the print job has finished, the file is closed without saving, preserving the template for the next text file.

Default Word template settings

  • The <<FR_content>> string is the only body content.

  • Text formatted to Courier New, 10pt font

  • Portrait setting with one-inch margins.

  • Footer set to print date and time and current page number. These settings are updated for all text files printed through the Financial Reporting print server.

Customizing the template

Always back up the template before customizing it. You can open the template through Microsoft Word. Changes to the template are applied the next time a text file is printed. You need not restart the Financial Reporting print server.

In the<<FR_content>> string, you can specify the font and paragraph settings for the inserted text file content and should be included in the FR_TextTemplate.doc template.

When printing a text file, the Financial Reporting print server opens FR_TextTemplate.doc and looks for the <<FR_content>> string. If found, the contents of the text file replaces the string. If the string is not found, the contents of the text file is inserted at the end of the Word document and any preexisting content in the template is shown before the data in the text file.

Benefits of implementing the Microsoft Word template

  • Default formatting of the template can be customized.

  • Page setup of the template, such as print mode and page size, can be controlled.

  • Footers of the template, such as page numbers, can be customized.

  • Content of the template, such as inserting a standard confidentiality clause, can be added.

  • Images or backgrounds of the template, such as a company logo, can be added.