Opening a Snapshot Book That Has the Same Name as Other Financial Reporting Objects

Use a URL to open a Snapshot Book that has the same name as other Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting objects:


Use Latest=true along with the mimetype variable to get latest object:


Use Version=1 along with the mimetype variable to get latest object, or the specific version of the object output:


Below are possible values for the mimetype variable for Financial Reporting objects. These values are retrieved from the NAME field in the V8_METATYPE table in the Financial Reporting repository. Look for DESCRIPTION fields containing Financial Reporting related objects, and then retrieve the corresponding NAME field to use in the MIME type variable.


  • application/hyperion-reports-report

  • application/hyperion-reports-snapshot_report

  • application/hyperion-reports-book

  • application/hyperion-reports-snapshot_book