Table 8-10 CHILD NODE - SAVE_AS_SNAPSHOT Attributes

Attribute Description
SAVE_AS_SNAPSHOT VALUE Yes or value, depending on whether to save the snapshot output in the repository.
SAVE_NAME Folder Name where the snapshots are stored. Specify this in ReportStore:\\ format. If SAVE_NAME = "", the snapshot output is saved to the same folder as the original object.
USER_NAMES Comma-separated Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting users who are granted access to the snapshot output.
GROUP_NAMES Comma-separated Financial Reporting groups that are granted access to the snapshot output. A special system-defined group, called Everyone, includes all Financial Reporting users and can be used to ensure that all users have access to a snapshot output.

This attribute can be left blank or removed from the text file.

Note: This attribute is ignored if USER_NAMES or GROUP_NAMES is used.