Launching Batches From a Command Line

Use the ScheduleBatch.cmd command file provided in the financialreporting\bin directory to launch the batch specified in the batch input file against a Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting scheduler server.

To launch a batch from a command-line prompt:

  1. Go to the financialreporting\bin directory.
  2. Enter the command by specifying the fully-qualified name of the batch input file and the computer name or IP address of the Scheduler Server on which to schedule the batch.

    For example:

    ScheduleBatch c:\DailyReports\MyBatch.xml MySchedulerServer

    where MyBatch.xml is the name of the batch input file and MySchedulerServer is the name or IP address of the scheduler server, which is typically located on the same computer as the report server.

This launches a batch to run immediately against the scheduler server specified.